Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Oh LeChris...

So I have a little boy, who I so lovingly refer to as "Pipsqueek" - not to his face, of course. He is tiny. Recently, he has been sagging his pants with his little spiderman underpants hanging out. So yesterday, I said, "You have got to pull up your pants." And I checked to see if his belt could go tighter, but it couldn't. He said, "This is how LeChris wear his pants!" I said, "Who is LeChris?" He said, "LeChris?! He live with him mama." I said, "In your neighboorhood?" He said, "Yea!" Then his cousin (who is also in my class) came out of the bathroom. Pipsqueek said, "Tell her 'bout LeChris!" And she said, "LeChris! He live at our nanny house!" I said, "Is he your uncle?" She said, "No, he our cousin." And then I said, "How does LeChris wear his pants?" And she said, "He sag them LOWWW." So, that's that. LeChris does it. Must be cool, then. Anyway, I explained that even if LeChris does, he has to pull up his pants at school...

Then I worked with another student from that neighboorhood on changing her "I'm is," to "I am." She did not get it. "I'm is?" She asked. "No. I am," I corrected. "I'm am?" She changed. "No. I..." Then she repeated, "I" Then me - "am" her - "am." We practiced over and over. Don't think I'm going to break that all at once, but I've got to start. Especially since I know how my little sister (Shatorria, not Whitney or Gillian...) writes like she talks, and oh man, it's special. Justin will surely get enjoyment out of the card she wrote him for his soon to arrive care package... :-)

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