Friday, September 4, 2009

Diagnosis: SwineFlu-Cold-Strep-Pregnant

When I felt like I was going to throw up during centers yesterday, my assistant principal came down to watch my kids. When I came back, she asked if I might be pregnant. Thanks for that suggestion... Then, I talked to my neighbor, who suggested I have the cold she had last week. Then I spoke with my mom, who immediately jumped on the swine flu bandwagon, suggesting I immediately go get a mask so as to not infect Brenton. Then last night, I got an email from a coworker who suggested I might have strep, as that was going around.

While I appreciate all of those wonderful suggestions, I was not surprised when the Minute Clinic diagnosed that 5-year-olds' germs have gotten the best of me, and it is viral. I had to leave school early yesterday, much to my dismay, because I felt really sick. I burst into tears when I got into Brenton's car when he picked me up, because I was so upset to be leaving like that. I absolutely hate missing school, but here I am today, home again. I cannot stand it. However, I'll admit that it's good that I did, because I do have a fever today, so I'm glad I'm not at school, spreading it to my little babies.

I am so sad to not see them for 4 1/2 days. This weekend was a really fun experience last year, because when I explained to the kids that we had a 3 day weekend, they were really worried, "But who will be our teacher?" they asked. When I explained that it would still be me, just one extra day of weekend, "I'll miss you!" they all told me. And this year, I will miss that love before the long weekend.

Well, at least I won't be spreading H1N1 around town. I'll leave that to Whit's friend, Kelly.


  1. Well glad that you don't have is requiring us to get two of the H1N1 vaccines as soon as they're ready, plus the annual flu shot. Hope you're feeling better by Tuesday!

  2. Haha thanks, yes me too. Sounds like you'll be all drugged up and ready to be around sickies. I'm feeling a lot better already. So Tuesday, here I come! :-)

  3. You should get tested for hypothyroidism while you're at it... it's a biggie...
