Sunday, May 23, 2010

Field Day Fun

We had field day this week. What fun! Well, here's the thing. I'm sorta competitive when it comes to winning against the other kindergarten classes. I've been talking a big talk this whole year, about us winning, although deep down, I think I've always known that we had no chance this year. You see, last year we got really close, and lost in the end, and I had more testosterone in my class than in a room full of grown men, I'm pretty sure. My boys were psychotic and they were "boys" in every way. When they lost to the girls in one of the games, I had more than one kid, literally, in tears. It was ridiculous. Sportsmanship was not even an afterthought. Well this year, my boys are the gifted/ quirky type. All of them are super smart, love math, building with blocks and legos, and Star Wars. And they are all athletically challenged. I have one boy who is athletic, and he's tiny. So although I've been talking the big talk, well, I was all talk.

The week before, when I picked my kids up from PE after practicing some of the events, I asked them, "Are we going to win?!" Here's what I was told by one of my kids:

"It doesn't matter if we win or lose as long as we have fun."

Yea. Great. Gooood.

During Field Day, here were some of the comments:

Me: "Okay, so here's the game plan for tug of war..." (I was very into it; a parent got me on video and everything...)
A group of students, in response to my game plan: "Look Mrs. Flynn! We're being cats! MEOW!" (while crawling on all fours)

After a game where we were in two teams and everyone either got 1st or 2nd:
"Mrs. Flynn! We got second place!!!!!!!!" (Sincerely thrilled)
"Mrs. Flynn! Now EVERYONE has a ribbon!!!!!"

As I told the other teachers after we lost both of our chances at tug of war, "This year we have the brains, not the muscles."

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