Thursday, November 12, 2009

Best Compliment EVER.

Okay, so it had nothing to do with teaching.

We had the silent auction parent night last weekend. It was fun - I enjoy interacting with the parents in a role where I am not also trying to reprimand 22 five year olds at the same time. I actually get to be a normal human. Even the parents are slightly surprised that I am a real person, too. Anywho, so I was talking to our PTO president and my room mom, and somehow we got on the topic of fashion. (Yay.) The PTO president's daughter started kindergarten this year, and she said that she was so sad that she didn't get me as her teacher. When I started to say, "Awww..." she stopped me and said, "No. Just wait. It's because 'Mrs. Flynn dresses so well, and has the best shoes,' " according to her daughter. So apparently, she still comes home and tells her mom what I wore that day (when she passes me in the hallway or sees me on the playground)! Then, my room mom said that when she first found out who her son's teacher would be, she couldn't think of which teacher I was (from kindergarten open house). So she asked the PTO prez, who she's friends with, who Mrs. Flynn is. She replied, "She's the one who always looks like she's just stepped out of a JCrew catalog." And my room mom said, "Oh, I know exactly who you're talking about!"

So, that was the best compliment EVER!!!!! :-)

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